Course Drainage Works Feb 2021
The planned winter drainage work is continuing at a pace. Other than the work on the 2nd fairway, which due to the weather has been delayed a few days, the greens team have been concentrating on clearing out-falls and ditches in the woods to the right of the 3rd fairway. Some work has also been done on ‘Cooper’s Culvert’ which is the outfall of the ditch which runs down the side of the 6th fairway. The purpose of this work is to ensure that we have a clear and maintainable water route off the course and that any future course drainage work is not limited by blocked outfalls. Below are a series of videos showing the on going work and the success of unblocking and clearing some of the drains.
We’ve also taken the opportunity to cut back the hedge at the side of the 15th Fairway, gaining an extra 3m.